Don’t Put Your Health on the Back Burner
A few years ago I was listening to a David Sedaris book and he brought up the concept of having four burners on a stove that represent your life. On one burner is your job, another your family, another your friends and another your health. In order to be successful at something one of those burners usually has to be turned off and usually our own health is what ends up sacrificed. In order to be very successful two burners tend to get turned off, health and friendships. I invite you this fall to switch those burners on!
Our yoga immersion/teacher training that is coming up will restore your mental, physical, emotional health and add the community feeling that so many of us have been missing for the past two years. If you cannot swing the teacher training this time we are also sponsors in the JH Health Challenge with Nurse Georgie. All participants get 25% off all of our punch cards and membership options so we encourage you to sign up and get healthy with her! Georgie is really smart and has a lot of great tips for weight loss and self care.
We also have added a lot of new classes that go beyond yoga classes. Rachel Kantor has been teaching Tuesday/Thursday noon Barre classes that are SO fun and addictive that I have had to move my schedule around so that I can attend them! I am also excited to announce that Lori Roux and Lisa Laurie will be joining us in October with some early morning options–Power Fitness from 8-9 M/W and Early Bird yoga from 6:45-7:35 T/Th and 8-9 on Saturday.
If you are new to the Studio, welcome! I am offering an off-season special starting October 1st for unlimited classes for two months for $300.